It’s our Birthday – 10 years
10 years, 1 Decade – where has that gone?!!
What started as a part time project between the Directors has evolved significantly over the 10 years since SBS IT Ltd was incorporated.
With an initial purpose to serve a few small clients and services, SBS IT Ltd was born.
Moving on 10 years and the landscape is an entirely different beast, following the almighty jump into Full time commitment to SBS IT Ltd just under 5 years ago.
Now a multi staffed organisation, managing hundreds of machines and clients on a monthly basis, regularly undertaking major IT Projects, a blossoming Hardware/Software procurement arm and our own DataCenter. The business has transformed significantly.
What does the next 10 years hold?
More of the same! We are looking to expand our client base further and increase our technician count, but most importantly ensure our knowledge base stays at the top of technical developments, innovation and maintaining our approachable service.
What happened to the clients SBS IT Ltd was setup to service initially I hear you ask?
They are still clients of ours and long may that continue.
Thank you to everyone who has used or recommended us!
Here’s to the next 10 years
SBS IT Ltd provide IT Support and Consultancy Services throughout the UK, please contact us with any enquiries here
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