Website Design | United Biomass Group
Website Design | United Biomass Group
At SBS IT Ltd, Website Design is not our primary business focus, however we do engage in some website design projects.
Recently one of our existing clients was in the process of setting up a new company and was keen to seek our advice.
Initially our engagement related to domain purchase and email setup.
With the available Domain’s passed onto the client, the Domain was agreed.
The purchase was made and then we began the process of setting up email within a new Office 365 tenant.
Microsoft Office 365 is our preferred email platform. In our opinion it far exceeds the features and stability offered by any other email platform out there.
Additional to the email configuration, Groups were setup for data to be stored and shared within the team.
At this stage we were not aware of any website requirements. However following getting some extortionate quotes, the client asked for our advice on the pricing and offerings.
We were able to offer the website design at around 25% of the original pricing received and began the process.
Website Design Process
To begin the process we ask questions around colour schemes, styles you like, are there any websites you like the look of? As many indications as possible to design your website to your specification.
Another design aspect is whether you want a single page or multi-page website. In this example a single page website with links to each section.
As a result we have a rough idea on design, colours and content sections noted, the design process begins.
Generally we will design the page(s) with placeholder text and stock images as a guide, with the real content and images to be added at a later date.
First Draft
As a result of our initial discovery about the web design requirements, we are hopefully able to get a design close to the final product as possible.
In this example, we were able to do this and initial feedback was very positive.
A few tweaks, margin changes and the draft is good to add content.
Second Draft – Adding Content
At this stage, if we already have text and images, we would add them into the initial draft. If not then this phase would be adding the client content into the page(s), which may require further alignment changes if the text is larger/smaller than the placeholder text content.
Adding client images (or sample stock images for trial) and resizing these where necessary moves the website closer to the final product.
Final Edits and Completion
In this example we visited the client and went through each section adjusting text, final margin changes and any stock images required were purchased.
We then worked on adjusting the acquired images to make them web friendly and made final edits live on the site.
As a result of the face-to-face meeting, each section was completed and the website was signed off and live to the world.
Web Hosting
As part of our Service offerings, we offer web hosting.
It is recommended that each website is secured with an SSL Certificate to secure the traffic. Google also penalise sites not using https with a valid certificate, so this process was also completed on this website.
If you have any IT Projects planned or solutions you would like advice on or implemented, please get in touch.